Posted by: bj | October 8, 2009

Obama’s Safe School Czar, Kevin Jennings

President Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings as “The Safe School Czar”,  responsible for overseeing “safety” in the nations public schools.   Mr. Jennings is the founder of the homosexual-activist group,  “Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network”, (GLSEN), which promotes homosexual clubs in high schools, middle schools and grade schools and is the driving force behind the annual “Day of Silence” celebration of homosexuality in many districts. 

Former teacher and head of “Safe Schools” at the U S Department of Education, Mr. Jennings has praised Harry Hay in a 1997 speech.    Harry Hay, the original “gay rights activist” ,   founded the gay civil rights organizations:

  1. The Mattachine Society and
  2. Radical Faeries   

and was a long time advocate and open supporter  for the North American Man – Boy Love Association, (NAMBLA).     

We think it is not appropriate that Kevin Jennings be responsible for anything to do with our children, safety or  public schools.  What do you think?

Linda  Harvey of Mission America, which educates people on anti-Christian trends in the nation, said it is nothing more than a “tragedy” for an open homosexual who has “had an enormously detrimental impact on the climate in our schools” to be in such a position.

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